Categories College Education

Higher education in the United States Wikipedia

Public high school is paid for by taxpayers, making it a free state-sponsored educational program. In contrast, private schools require tution for each student that is enrolled, which can cost parents anywhere between $11,000-$16,000 per school year, depending on the specific institution. A high school curriculum is defined in terms of Carnegie Units, which approximate to 120 class contact hours within a year. No two schools will be the same, and no two students will have the same classes. According to a survey published in Forbes, Lesley ranks #20 nationwide for providing a high-quality education that is worth the cost.…

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Higher education Wikipedia

It includes credentials called Sarjana at the undergraduate level (Sarjana Strata 1 – S1), graduate level (Sarjana Strata Dua – S2, commonly called Magister), and doctoral level (Sarjana Strata 3 – S3, commonly called Doktor). In addition, there are graduate-level specialization programs in professional disciplines like medicine, as well as four levels of vocationally oriented diploma programs . Like its secondary school system, Indonesia’s higher education system is binary in nature. Primary schooling expanded throughout the country with national enrolment reaching 34.1%. By 1985 the number of institutions of higher learning had again increased – to slightly more than 1,000.…

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Categories Education News

Department of Higher Education Government of India, Ministry of Education

The istituto d’arte was once a specific type of istituto professionale which offered an education focused on art history and drawing. Liceo moderno (“modern languages”) (1911–1923) – dedicated to foreign languages, featuring Latin, Italian, French, one other foreign language , History and Geography. Liceo scientifico applicato (“Applied Sciences”) – an offshoot of the Liceo scientifico, it replaces the Latin requirement with computer programming and more natural science classes. Another area of concern is that although parents have the right to have their voice heard in the school’s decision making process, not all parents make use of this right equally, resulting…

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