KINDERGARTEN: Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education

Learning in our Playgroup and Kindergarten classes is through a mixture of teacher-directed and child-initiated activities. Well-planned play both inside and outside, is a key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge. Play based learning gives children opportunities to explore, observe, hypothesise, question, and discuss to clarify their understanding. We also provide daily opportunities for children to develop early reading, writing and number skills with creative and imaginative adult support. Once enrolled in kindergarten, your child will learn basic concepts like reading, writing, math, science, time, shapes, and more. These skills will form a foundation for learning…

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Categories Education News

Current Issue Journal of Health Education Research and Developm

Health education mindmapIt is often thought that health education began with the beginning of healthcare in the earliest parts of history as knowledge was passed from generation to generation. They discussed how physical health, social settings, and human behavior are connected to preventing disease and sustaining good health. The Greeks wanted to empower people and communities by establishing supportive settings and regulations that would promote taking medication and upholding healthy behaviors. We are thrilled that you returned to access our evidence-based, expert-reviews materials to incorporate into each level of medical curricula. Although the majority of these health issues are preventable,…

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